Olympic Dr Project

We are starting a pilot program for the Alaska Sheep Dogs neighborhood watch program. It will consist of community awareness, community support and a renewal of American community living.

For more information contact Mike Wheeler at 907-360-7771.

Olympic Road

Good neighbor pledge

Be helpful

We want our communities members to be kind, not judgmental, and open to supporting one another.

Be respectful

When speaking to your neighbors. Strong communities are built on strong relationships. Lets build trust and respect.

Do not discriminate

We do not tolerate racism, hateful language, or discrimination of any kind.

No harmful activity

We prohibit any activity that could hurt someone, from scams to physical harm. We want our communities safe for all of its members.

Sheepdogs adherence to what is right, we are the publics' shield

Alaska Sheepdogs are men and women of our community that have taken the time to learn the law and believe in supporting a strong community. The sheepdog is always present and ready to protect.


Denial kills you twice. It kills you once, at your moment of truth when you are not physically prepared: You didn’t bring your gun; you didn’t train. Your only defense was wishful thinking. Hope is not a strategy. Denial kills you a second time because even if you do physically survive, you are psychologically shattered by fear, helplessness, horror and shame at your moment of truth.

In nature the sheep, real sheep, are born as sheep. Sheepdogs are born that way, and so are wolves. They didn’t have a choice. But you are not a critter. As a human being, you can be whatever you want to be. It is a conscious, moral decision.

Alaska Flag