USCCA – HOME INVASION: How Does Stand Your Ground or Castle Doctrine Apply?
Acting in self-defense during a home invasion has its own laws that vary from state to state. People often confuse what stand your ground law or castle doctrine actually allow you to do. Even if you’re in the right to act in self-defense, you still open yourself up to a world of legal pitfalls. To see the full breakdown only our members get, activate your membership here and claim your bonus package worth over $500: In this scenario, Kevin and Tom breakdown a home break in. You need a home defense strategy. Don’t just hope that by having a shotgun, rifle, or pistol somewhere in the house that it will be enough. Home security systems, including security cameras, panic buttons, and a home defense plan for various scenarios will help prepare your family to protect your home. When acting in self-defense, be sure you train, know your state gun laws, and only use the amount of force necessary to stop the threat. The USCCA’s mission is to Educate 10 Million Gun Owners, Legally Protect 1 Million USCCA Members, Stop 20,000 Crimes, and Save 1,000 Lives. Like and share these educational and informative videos. Together we can Save Lives. Not ready to join? You can learn more about the USCCA and how we’re trusted by over 285,000 responsibly Armed Americans by contacting our Wisconsin-based Member Service Agents at 844-265-1103